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Directions and tips on how to arrive to Krnica

How to get to Krnica ?

Krnica is 25 km apart from Pula so being nearby of the Istrian urban center is an advantage when choosing Krnica as a destination for your next vacation. Also, despite being a small village, Krnica is well connected with the rest of Istria so you can be flexible when choosing your mean of transportation. You can reach Krnica by your own car, a plane and by the railroad.
The vicinity of Pula and its airport makes Krnica well connected with distant destinations. After you land in Pula you can reach Krnica by a taxi, rent-a-car or a bus or local transportation.

If you decide to travel with your own car, it is possible that you will arrive from the east or from the north. Arriving from the east, follow Zagreb - Karlovac - Rijeka - tunnel Učka, continue to Pazin via E751, exit at Žminj, follow Barban and then continue to Krnice. Arriving from the north follow Villach - Ljubljana - Koper - Vodnjan - Krnica.

If you decide to take a train, you can reach Pula via regular lines from Ljubljana. Then continue your trip towards Krnica with a bus, a taxi or a rent-a-car.